Business Advice from People Who Think Kids Run on Airplane Mode
"We all have the same 24 hours!"……. Person whose biggest responsibility is keeping a succulent alive!
Everything's Free on the Internet: A Love Letter to People Who've Never Built Anything
Listen up, future entrepreneurs of the "everything should be free" movement! Today we're diving into why you shouldn't pay for business education when "it's all free on the internet."
Business Advice for Parents Who Graduated from Keeping Kids Alive to Keeping Them Stable
"Your kids are grown - what's holding you back now?"…….Person who thinks parenting expires at 18
Business Advice from People Who Quit Before the Website Went Live
"It's all a scam!" - Person who tried for exactly 3.5 business days
Yes, I Process With AI: A Love Letter to Finding Your Voice When Your Nervous System Says No
Because sometimes your best comebacks arrive three days later when you're safe at home
A Gentle Reality Check: Sometimes We're All Permission Seekers
It's Okay to Recognize Yourself Here:
The Empty Nest Entrepreneur's Guide to Why You're Still Not Getting Anything Done
Because apparently parenting doesn't expire when they get a driver's license
Business Advice from People Who've Never Run Built an Online Business
Ah yes, please tell me more about how business works from your vast experience of... checks notes... watching YouTube videos about scams.
The Space Between Thoughts and Tissues: When Your Processing Partner Needs a Processing Partner
For myself: nervous system has entered the chat, freeze response would like a word….. processing.exe has stopped working
Hey Permission Seekers: Here's Your Permission Slip for Everything
Because sometimes you need someone to sign off on your right to exist differently
Digital Products: Where Everyone's an Expert at Calling Others a Scam
Oh, you think digital product creators are just selling "how to sell courses about selling courses"?
Laughs in backend systems integration
The Unpaid Emotional Labor Bill: Years of Carrying Other People's Shit
Because apparently being everyone's emotional dumpster is just part of the job
A Love Letter to People Who Want Refunds for Work They Didn't Do
Because apparently reading is the same as implementing
You Might Be a Secret Permission Seeker If...
"Waiting for the right time" (indefinitely)…
Yes, Men Have Feelings: A Solo Mom's Defense of Men's Right to Process
From someone who's played both "breadwinner" and "nurturer" for 16 years
Let's Talk About Men and Emotions
Why Men's Nervous Systems Need Different Processing Tools: A Biology-Meets-Reality Guide
Because testosterone and talk therapy aren't always best friends
No Susan, Using AI Isn't Cheating: A Reality Check for People Who Think Solopreneurs Should Suffer
The Truth About AI Collaboration: AI can't:…. Generate ideas from nothing!
Plot Twist: Your Body's Been Trying to Talk to Your Mind, and AI Might Just Be the Translator
My body: "We need to express differently!" My mind: "But is that allowed?" My body: "OH FOR THE LOVE OF—" Creates guide to give mind permission to listen to body
When Your Body Asks Permission to Serve Differently: A Love Letter to Evolution
The Wisdom Was Always There: There is always another way!
The "Quick Results" Delusion: A Reality Check
Sometimes the fastest way forward is to slow down and learn first. But that probably doesn't fit in a snappy Instagram caption, does it?