Let me tell you a story or two, of love for self, love for others, and everything in between.
Here are my chronicles.
Beyond the Marketing Maze: Creating Worlds That Feel Like Home
Looking back from where I stand now, I wish I could tell my past self what I've learned about the reality of building a sustainable business. Not the Instagram version or the "just throw up a sales page" myth, but the nuanced truth I had to discover through years of walking between worlds.
Do You Ever Stop to Think You’re Assigning a Meaning to a Situation Before Actually Knowing all the Facts?
I was as surprised as the next person that there can ACTUALLY be a newer way and slightly different way to sell products than what many people have seen before….
Possibilities worth Exploring... What Is Freedom?
I don’t know about you, but as a mother, my energy is constantly like an exhale.... giving out, giving out, giving out..... So if your anything like me you sometimes you need all the reminders you can…. to inhale, stop for a moment and breathe in some fresh oxygen
The trap of wanting to revolutionize the world
If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!
Strengthen this and a whole new world of possibilities opens
Some people complain all day about wanting more out of life..... but they brush off every possible avenue with a knee-jerk excuse of, "That won't work for me."
Do You Feel Guilty For Sometimes Wanting More?
If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!
Are you looking for magical solutions to your problems but not really willing to believe in magic?
If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!
The Invisible Predator Slowly Eroding Your Relationship
If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!
An Open Letter to the Strong Mothers Who Are Trying to Keep it all Together,
You are a mother who lost herself somewhere in the journey.... If I asked you out right, you don’t know which piece you lost of yourself..... you go through the motions of life longing to feel like you did before you had kids but feel the weight of responsibility of tending to everyone else’s needs......
How to Know When You’re Ready to use Sacral Center Alchemy to Move Through Your Struggles?
You have to be willing to have a beginners mind….. you know… all the things you encourage in your child, when they are curious to try something new and different that catches their attention.