Possibilities worth Exploring... What Is Freedom?


When you hear people say fighting for freedom what level of perception are you looking at…. Because….. like the fictional cartoon characters Transformers….there is more than meets the eyes! THAT statement ALSO APPLIES TO FREEDOM!!!

Can you see it from all four levels or are you only locked at one level and consider everything else ‘wrong or bad’…. stuck in a duality consciousness of “right vs wrong”

If so maybe you could use a breakthrough in awareness that FREEDOM shows up on every level… in a different way…. And EVERY level, like the seasons of nature has value!

The human experience although appears dualistic of this or that, right or wrong on a moralistic high ground determined by people that came before you…. HOWEVER When you finally make it through that mental mind-fuck LIFE begins to open up to an expanded reality!

THE LEVEL OF THE PHYSICAL PERCEPTION…… this is the ground level view …. Like a snake in the grass…. It sees what’s right in front of it, everything has literal meaning, it trusts in it’s natural instincts of sensing danger and it reacts with a nervous system response of fight, flight, freeze response (keep in mind there is a 4th response to humans and it’s called fawn, but that’s a learned nervous system response after being stuck and experiencing the mental/emotional level)

PHYSICAL LEVEL AWARENESS…. Most people understand that the word Freedom is tied to a physical level, literal meaning…. As when one’s physical body is physically locked down, physically oppressed, physically abused in some way…. So therefore if those things aren’t happening then what your fighting for isn’t freedom in the oppositions mind….. And do note I said the oppositions “mind” which shows you are dealing with a different level of consciousness and perception than the physical level …. the physical level is the human animal’s body, which is like any animal’s body… it operates through the nervous system, and natural laws. The most primal brain of a being…. which again is not right or wrong, just different than another level of perception!

THE MENTAL/EMOTIONAL LEVEL OF PERCEPTION …. It’s a higher up level to see things, like a Jaguar lurking in a tree, it can’t always be seen with the physical eyes, its concealed by its environment for its own safety and protection…..it’s metaphorical in nature and a tree can be more than a tree, it can be shelter, or a fort to play in.

This is the level where freedom gets all muddled up in a cloud of collective bullshit…. because we’ve made some people the ‘real’ experts and authorities and others ‘fake’….. it’s all an illusion actually…. Not by design of a system but by a cloud of collective energy that doesn’t allow one to see the sun is actually shinning if you breakthrough that cloud!

One can’t just sidestep… to get through it you have to GO THROUGH IT….. personally I find the way to go through like a buffalo going into a storm, charge forward and deal with it…. Rather than like other animals that stand there and take it when it comes, trusting it will eventually be over, or other animals that think they can outrun it and avoid all together if they just find the right shelter…. again no right way or wrong way in that physical level…. just differentiated ways!
But hey to each there own, we all get there, some in this lifetime, some not until generations down the line…. You do you… I’ll do me🤪

It is happening in the inner worlds of those affected and NO ONE can tell another what goes on in there unless the one experiencing it opens up and shares….it is an individualistic thing AND it is equally important as the physical level
This is why mental health is so stigmatized…. it actually isnt a one size fits all to helping others navigate mental or emotional wellness….. Those on the physical level can’t see it with their physical eyes therefore you must be making up stories for attention….

When you do that to others you keep yourself and them locked into a disempowered triangle of Perpetrator…. Victim…. Rescuer…… you keep others locked into a victim consciousness, that is a real bitch to get out of when you wake up and realize you are in one of those disempowered triangles!

Before I go to that third level…. I’m going to go quickly flit on over to that forth level the highest level of awareness SPIRITUAL LEVEL OF PERCEPTION …. So you can see the triangle in action, because those that skip ever going THROUGH the mental/emotional cloud of confusion rarely ever connect with that third level…. Because depending whose looking from where and at whom the villain is going to be seen at the mental/emotional level and pointed out by that more ‘spiritual, morally adept person’ who is set to save the ‘real victims’ cause being locked into a dualistic power struggle is maybe their idea of fun I don’t know though…. Cause I’m not inside their mental/emotional inner world!!

THE SPIRITUAL LEVEL PERCEPTION…. The highest level like an eagle in the sky, taking in the big picture…. From high above it appears All is as it should be, life is unfolding as it will…. Often people here like to stay in a state of praying, appearing to do nothing…. Which is great ONLY if you’ve actually made it through that mental emotional level while connected deeply to your physical body…. And that’s a journey and process of integration of experiences….to have your soul embodied meaning your soul and physical body are deeply connected and are one…. You’ve healed the disconnection within.

Ok did I confuse you…. Stay with me…. It’s a process…. I showed you the disempowerment triangle for a reason….. now you might think you can get to that soul level by going in a reverse direction from the spiritual to the soul level…. And you can… however it also presents a huge challenge … and I’ll highlight that in a moment…

THE SOUL LEVEL PERCEPTION this third level of perception …. It’s like a hummingbird…. It flits from place to place never staying for long, it’s a playful bird that operates like a helicopter…. Changes directions easily and can hover in place when needed.

The level of the soul… is where story lives, It’s rich in image, myth, archetypes, and mystery; full of poetry and magic, it speaks to intuition and love…. AND it is equally as valuable as the physical level, and the other levels of perception like the mental and emotional also resides in one’s inner world, and only available to others if the person who experiences it opens up!

Personally it’s my favorite level, I find it rejuvenating and also cause children live here…. And children our our future… maybe we as a collective could quit dragging them into the bullshit of adult fears….. and let them keep their innocence intact……Yah… I know lots of little side steps tangents of individual opinions…… However one has to be careful and aware of the stories we tell ourselves…. Are they empowering or disempowering….

Do you cast others as villains or do you recognize the only villain is inside your mind, stirring up the emotions and the other characters outside yourself are just living their own story… sometimes your paths cross sometimes they don’t….. keep in mind when you cast others as the Villain and you as the hero that rescues others you just recreated that disempowerment triangle, that people easily get stuck in again….

IF you know the way out of that mental/emotional minefield that’s when you can stop, assess your surroundings, and go from level to level as you choose, helping others spot the illusion so they can find their freedom within and make choices that are right for them…. Even when they are different from what you choose!

Helping others isn’t about forcing them to see your way, sometimes helping others is just being yourself in every given moment… sometimes it’s speaking up and sometimes it’s holding the line at the roots, in your own physical surrounding! The thing is when it’s your souls time to shine, if you’re plugged into that energy you’ll know it’s your time to shine your light and be a beacon for others to step into a whole other awareness for them to explore and experience in their journey of life!

THE CAUTION to keep in mind if you are going to go backwards through the levels of perception…. From physical to spiritual to soul to mental/emotional…. You can absolutely…. (It’s the way I went without even being aware I was ) It’s just you’ll be creating the breakthrough of that collective cloud from above…. And sometimes you fall into that cloud, and find yourself confused, battled and bruised…. So be careful and aware… do some homework on the levels!!

My concern for those that go from physical to spiritual to soul and avoid the mental/emotional level and go back and forth only between those two levels…. Because ‘well it’s to messy’…. They also tend to believe one must transcend the body and it’s messiness….. that’s the spiritual bypass that actually adds to the cloud of mental/emotional density… you believe by avoiding it -and staying out of it it won’t affect you….. but eventually it will…. It might not happen to the very end of your life but it will eventually find you and probably engulf you, until you don’t know consciously who you are anymore, or who your family and friends are at times, but you’ll still be tethered to a human body while you deal with it in your inner world.

Do yourself and your children, and your children’s children a favor and start making your unconscious stuff more conscious, while you are still in a body and aware of it…… otherwise you pass all this generational crap down to them to heal….. and I don’t know about you but I want my children to only have to work on the stuff from their own life, not the lifetimes before them….

Learn to integrate the shadow disowned parts of you…. They aren’t bad or wrong, shadows aren’t monstrous things as they are made out to be, just projections…. Learn to own your projections, and create a breakthrough for yourself.

If that’s you that only goes between the those two levels or avoids either the mental/emotional, or the physical consider reconnecting the flow of energy for yourself between all levels…. That’s what actually helps the collective and the only person you can truly master is yourself, after that it’s all influencing others so they can be themselves not who they were conditioned to be by the toxic mainstream narrative or handed down through the generations!

(Of course that’s only my opinion of it being toxic, cause in my experience it has been to me… and I recognized that early in my life)……

Waking up isn’t a onetime thing…. You do it over and over…. You fall asleep unintentionally… only to wake up again…. It’s a process, learn to trust it…. And that’s some kind of Freedom for sure….. however you do it there is no right or wrong!

And in case there was any confusion I’m 100% for the truckers in Canada doing what their doing at this time…. It reminds me of the fictional transformers I loved as kid…. I love seeing the big trucks come together to create a huge wave of awareness that some change, and breakthrough needs to happen in the world right now…. it’s not just a little fringe group that opposess what’s been done with lockdowns and mandates and health passport systems in this 2020nand beyond era… from the outside and not being privy to the inner circle it appears and feels like The leaders of the countries are a little too out of balance helping no one actually but themselves!……. I could be wrong, but the instincts in my physical body say other wise, my own lived experience with the healthcare system say otherwise, And my metal awareness with the continual study of energy keep me watching for the openings where I can help other find their own breakthroughs in awareness.


    P.S. If you want some breakthroughs for yourself in how to integrate changes in your body for yourself, or for your intimate relationship, And you want more mental awareness around the energy of you… The Pathfinders’s Resource Bundle might be the thing…. you can check it out HERE


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