Do You Ever Stop to Think You’re Assigning a Meaning to a Situation Before Actually Knowing all the Facts?

Do you ever stop to think you’re assigning a meaning to a situation before actually knowing all the facts?


I see so many people on social media these days ripping apart other Soloprenuer’s Online Businesses selling other creators courses/programs/services…. Or other companies’ products….


And those same Coaches/Service Providers/Creators that tear down the notion that selling other people’s products/services/courses/creations is wrong/bad/sleazy…… or even creating a flimsy foundation to your business… AND THEN turn around and try to connect with you to sell their own services/products 🤣🤣🤣… THE IRONY!!!


It’s actualy mind boggling to me… cause if you step out into your physical world… you experience other people selling other people’s products/services/creations…. All…. The…. Time!!


The thing is people get paid to sell… and sometimes they also get paid to deliver a service…whether it’s their own or someone else’s


Think car salesman… did they create the car… nope!

Realtors - build the house… nope!

Servers at restaurants… nope they didn’t create the food, not even cook it… but they often sell you on what to eat and then serve it to you…..


There is even getting paid by indirect ways… Influencers is what they are called in the online world VS. other names in your physical world…. and example being with the reception team at the spa I currently offer Myofascial Release Massage Therapy out of… they aren’t doing the service… but they are selling the services in the spa… indirectly getting paid doing so because the service providers generate the revenue for the business that provides their paycheck.


Does it really matter that in social media spaces people are using the platforms for selling products created by other people as another way people generate revenue for themselves….


Cause weird idea here….. most people I know really like to have roof over their heads, food in the cupboards to eat, and yah they like these material things that make their life easier and want to have experiences that sometimes cost money…. Sooooooo sometimes you gotta get creative and find new ways to make money without the ‘ick’ factor  that the multi-level marketing (MLM) pyramid ways have done it for so long…. Or the affiliate style marketing where people get paid by a company to sell what they are selling..


I was as surprised as the next person that there can ACTUALLY be a newer way and slightly different way to sell products than what many people have seen before….


  SHOCKING…. Right! 😬


Stay with me here, because there are Two things you will notice over and over about the people who sell in the online world… the one torn down by others and the one tearing others down….


Ones skill set in the area of sales, is in the early stages… and the other is well seasoned, has more experience and may unconsciously feel threatened in some way…. Or they may actually be looking for a new market of what they consider naïve and easy customers to target.


Another way to look at it is like a 6th grader who seemly mocks a 1st grader for starting on the path that will eventually lead to where the 6th grader is…. Only the 6th grader finds more comfort in mocking and pointing out to the 1st grader that they are older and wiser, so follow them…. Rather than turn around and move forward to where the 12th grader is and see what they can learn now to be ready for then!


So what’s this post of awareness got to do with you….  As The person who knows they need to learn new skills to start earning more money…. It’s a reminder…. When you find something that sparks an interest…. Trust THAT spark over the guidance of the person further along than you…. Even when it turns out not the way you intended…. You’ve just had a valuable experience… Embodied learning (having the first hand experience)… which puts you on a path to trust yourself first, and see what it reveals to you!


It may very well lead you to listening to the person further along, or it may be a confirmation that learning to trust yourself, and your own decisions first is what leads to more fulfillment down the road.


When I saw The Roadmap Course I felt the spark… I followed it… if I had only listened to the barrage of first time sellers on tik tok after I went to do my own research on it… I would have passed it up…. Thinking it was just ‘get rich quick scam’ of resell the thing, you just bought.


But BECAUSE I had years and years of doubting myself, where I got to learn the hard way of what happens when you don’t trust the spark of your intuition….. I now trust myself enough to know I need to find out somethings for myself…. And with this course I did…


Also because I can only actually sell/offer/influence others if I try the product/service out myself and give my insights & breakthroughs based on my own experiences with it… I actually went through the training the course provides.


Turns out THAT…. The Master Resell Rights that come with purchasing The Roadmap Course is only 1 of 6  ways I’ve discovered a person could make money by purchasing this course and going through the training!!


Crazy hey… 6 different ways…. I wonder how many other people selling this course can spot the six maybe even more ways you can make money after going through the training??? 

If they spent enough time learning and observing in the online world of business they might…. Or they might not… all I know is I have and I want to share them with you… Cause that might be the breakthrough you need to take action on the spark you felt when I started talking about Making more Money!


What I’m saying…. If you’re here…. Like me… you can admit the rising cost of living is kicking your ass and you know it’s time to step up your game when it comes to making money to provide for your family’s needs and desires for life… you need to learn new skills… and stepping off the beaten path of trading time for money is not only allowed in this day and age... I’m fucking encouraging you to do so!!!


Life is too short to only trade your precious time for  a set amount of money….


There are other ways… one of them I have found is by actually investing in yourself and learn what The Roadmap Course has to offer!


Want to find out what those 6 ways are…. Sign up for the series of emails HERE where I share them with you and learn more about The Roadmap Course in the process.

P.S. Don’t need help making money but need resources and tools for self-discovery and relationships…. I got you covered HERE


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