Chronicles.pngChonicles from Cori Watson Sexual Alchemy Coach

Let me tell you a story or two, of love for self, love for others, and everything in between.
Here are my chronicles. 

 Do You Feel Guilty For Sometimes Wanting More?

If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!

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Self Love, Sacral Center Alchemy Cori Watson Self Love, Sacral Center Alchemy Cori Watson

An Open Letter to the Strong Mothers Who Are Trying to Keep it all Together,

You are a mother who lost herself somewhere in the journey.... If I asked you out right, you don’t know which piece you lost of yourself..... you go through the motions of life longing to feel like you did before you had kids but feel the weight of responsibility of tending to everyone else’s needs......

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I Have a Confession

I have a confession.....

Letting life happen to me, burying that part of me that loves a challenge and competition to do and be better than I have in the past...... guess where it left me....
                                 dead on the inside....
             not radiant.....
just going through the motions of motherhood and marriage.....

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