You love your husband and your kids but being a parent has taken a toll on you. 

 Do you feel guilty for wanting more?

I know I did and I still do.

Do you sometimes feel resentful for your partner being able to leave the house and go to work - because in doing that he has more freedom - to take his breaks - to go to the bathroom uninterrupted, to have a start and finish time - where yours feels like 24/7.

Do you feel guilty for feeling all of this - and expressing it to no one? - silently crying on the inside and some days on the outside too.

  This is NOT how you thought motherhood would be.

 It's not that you’re broken…… and definitely not alone in this...

  HOWEVER, at some point as mothers we have to understand….. no one is coming to save us…

 I don't mean to be harsh or cruel…… what I mean by that is…. recognizing that we feel GUILTY is half of it… always thinking the grass is greener and only venting - never actually moves the needle in getting ourselves out of this place - sure we will have days and we question we ever felt like that and then - something happens or doesn't happen and that becomes our default coping method.

So after awareness becomes the questioning - the only thing that needs to be questioned is the feeling of guilt?

Can you look back on  time in your life - you can go all the way back to childhood - in fact- just go there - because that's where the original programming took place - found it? Great, now -  Ask yourself how the adults around you reacted when you wanted more and expressed it.                       

Examine that, journal it out if you want…… Good……. now we know the roots of it  - Now you know when  that part of you shows up again - it's not the empowered woman & mother having the thoughts - its your inner child/teen wanting attention!

Making this part of you wrong for wanting more is driving the wound deeper within (This I know from experience, is a disaster waiting to happen!)

First - you must know life wants to move through you - life wants to experience more life and if you allowed this concept to permeate within you not only do you begin to form new beliefs about it….

The guilt lessons its grip as you experience a change in perception!

With a change in perception this frees up your mind - once the mind is free you begin to build a bridge back to your body - and you can get off that slow, tedious lane - well tested - flagged with other people's opinions of how it’s “supposed to be done”

Here's why I say bypass that and try the Ignited Path instead……. Because when there is a million and 1 people telling you how to do something you start to feel like you’re doing it wrong - which leads to feeling defeated and guilty - say the loop you’re stuck in.

The Ignited Path is not clogged up - in fact here on The Ignited Path we encourage it as a starting point and develop what works for you - what feels right for you.

So back to building a bridge to bring your nervous system (aka- protector of your body) into alignment with your new beliefs.

Pleasure & Orgasm between your mind & body + freedom on the inside.

When you have freedom on the inside it doesn’t matter if you were locked away in a prison, you can still find joy where you are… you can shift in seconds to a more joyful state.

When you have freedom on the inside you can transition into lover from mommy in a matter of minutes….

When you have freedom on the inside you radiate light from the inside out.

When you have freedom on the inside - your intimate relationship thrives - the bond with you and your children deepens…..

Depression heals - even if you still experience it! - Anxiety becomes your friend because you know what its trying to express to you

And your relationship with your body improves. tenfold… growing into a deep embodied self-love!



    P.S. Need an extra boost of guilt melting mindset shifts….. my Ebook IGNITE will challenge the way you look at reclaiming your sexy sensual self and give you guidance on how to get started! CLICK HERE to get started.


Are you ready to reclaim lost and hidden parts of yourself?

We have created a resource to help you get started. 

These 9 Mindset Hacks are our strategy to help you:
 •  Overcome,
 •  Rediscover, and
 •  Infuse more pleasure into the Motherhood Journey.

Are you ready?


Strengthen this and a whole new world of possibilities opens


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