Are you looking for magical solutions to your problems but not really willing to believe in magic?
A very WISE person once said that we are all looking for magical solutions to our problems but none of us are willing to believe in magic.
Do you even believe in magic??
It’s not a coincidence to me that you are here reading this post, you might not see the thread of connection yet between what you want and what I offer..... and truth be told it might take a month, several months, a year before you realize..... ohhhh...... this is where The Ignited Path took me.....
The magic is there, the moment you clicked on this link, the moment you enroll in any program and it isn’t always noticeable at first because it’s a process.... You might even have a sliver of knowing inside that you want to work with me but you need more proof, you need more time.... and that’s cool.... take all the time you need..... it can happen as fast as you want or as slow as you want!
As mothers we need to reconnect, we need to reclaim ourselves, our bodies..... we do need more pleasure in our lives, AND it starts with us. It starts with YOU!!
I remember as a child and young teen fantasizing about motherhood, that it would be this magical time that would transform me into feeling like a women..... fast forward to motherhood, while I felt very empowered giving birth.... the whole of motherhood I was exhausted and I wouldn’t say I felt like a women.... more like a walking zombie!
I pushed and pushed my way to prove I could be, do and have it all. Only I couldn’t because nobody was taking care of me..... nobody was saying “Cori, what do you need to feel more you?” It wasn’t a question anyone thought to ask.... the question always was “Cori, how do you do it, I would never have the energy to do what you do.”
Annnnnd I sourced from that, a sense of pride in my exhaustion and a sense of fulfillment in the martyrdom of giving to everyone but me...... moving through exhaustion was viewed by me as a strength training workout.
On top of all that whenever my then husband wanted sex, I gave in... not because I wanted to but because I thought it was my role and duty. And if I said no he got really pouty, and well.... I didn’t have the strength to deal with a grown man acting like a toddler.... Nor did I understand men like I do now…. back then, it was much easier to just mentally check out, numb any sensation in my body, and do what I needed to do for the sake of what I thought was my sanity..... I rarely, if ever got pleasure, more often than not, I needed lube because my pussy was dry, and sex was painful.
I thought I was broken, I thought that all my best years of sex were behind me..... that I was destined to hate sex forever.
So what changed.... how’d I get from there to where I am now….
.... In touch with my body, having the best sex of my life, connected to my children, connected to my partner of eight years, doing creative work I love and making a difference in people's lives that I get the chance to work with.........
Welllll I’d love to say I hired a coach, I found on the internet and she felt like a fit, and she was able to guide me through a gentle process of teaching me to trust my body, to trust my intuition, to find strength in reclaiming all the pieces of me I disconnected from...... But it was 2005 I didn’t even know Coaching was a thing.... hell I’d never even heard of social media...... so how did things shift....
Looking back now I can see the magic, the thread of synchronicity that played out....
I started having dreams after my first of what would be 3 miscarriages in a row, while trying to conceive my fourth child.... and when I finally did conceive her the dreams took a turn into more strange things..... and from there the story is way to long to go into details (maybe a book one day will come of it!) but it was a long winding road with twists and turns and I was turned inside out and upside down it felt like.... and I had no choice but to trust myself.
To figure out what my body was telling me.... where it was guiding me.
It wasn’t easy to do it on my own, I did end up getting divorced, I had no sex with anyone but myself for three years, I searched and searched for myself all while raising 4 young kids..... It took, numerous after book would provide the theory to experiences I had and continue to have, so many plateaus in trying to do it all myself, and it was FUCKING lonely..... all in all it took me about 10 years.... my entire 30’s.
Along the way, I knew there would come a day when I would be helping women navigate there way through the changes they desired..... but really I had no idea how it was possible..... and that’s when the magic of synchronicity showed up again in the form of The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality showed up.
Some people think Sexual Alchemy is just about sex, about better and more orgasms...however what it is...... is a whole body system of healing AND the side effects show up as more orgasms, stronger orgasms, more love for your body, deeper connections with your partner.
It shouldn’t have to take you ten years to move through the stuff I did, none of what I offer was available to me.... and believe me a guide would have been a wonderful asset to navigate through that stuff...
P.S. 1:1 coaching seem to intimidating…. Start with my audio program IGNITE…CLICK HERE plug in the headphones… go for a walk, do some chores… move your body while you listen…. Invest in yourself…. Invest in learning new ways of looking at old issues….. Don’t let another day go by without knowing this wisdom I offer, It took me 10 years without help….imagine how much progress you could make with help!