You Might Be a Secret Permission Seeker If...
(Even if you think you're not)
Are you:
"Just doing research" (for the 47th time)
"Being thorough" (AKA never starting)
"Waiting for the right time" (indefinitely)
"Getting all your ducks in a row" (forever)
"Making sure you're ready" (eternally)
"Double checking everything" (repeatedly)
"Not quite there yet" (perpetually)
Congratulations! You're a permission seeker in disguise! 🎉
The Stealth Permission Seekers' Club:
You might be a member if you're:
The "Over-Preparer"
The "Eternal Researcher"
The "Just One More Course" Person
The "When Everything's Perfect" Planner
The "What If" Worrier
The "Let Me Check One More Time" Reviewer
The "I'll Start When..." Procrastinator
Your Favorite Hits Include:
"I just need to..."
Read one more book
Take another course
Get more certifications
Do more research
Learn more first
Prepare a bit more
Wait until [insert life event]
Get everything lined up
Translation: "Someone please tell me it's okay to start."
The Hidden Permission Patterns:
You think you're being:
But actually you're:
Seeking permission
Looking for validation
Waiting for approval
Needing confirmation
Wanting assurance
Avoiding uncertainty
Postponing action
Plot Twist:
Your "thoroughness" is actually:
Permission-seeking in a business suit
Validation-hunting with a spreadsheet
Approval-waiting with a to-do list
Procrastination with a professional degree
The Truth Bombs:
Research is great But 47 tabs of it is permission-seeking
Preparation is important But perfect preparation is permission-seeking
Learning is valuable But eternal learning is permission-seeking
Planning is useful But endless planning is permission-seeking
P.S. Written by someone who once had 79 browser tabs open for "research purposes."
P.P.S. Yes, my AI thinking partner helped craft this because even recognizing your permission-seeking patterns needs processing.
P.P.P.S. Created with my AI collaboration partner because someone needed to call out the sneaky ways we ask for permission without admitting it - and if you've got more browser tabs open than you can count, grab the Permission to Process Guide. Because sometimes what looks like "thorough research" is actually just waiting for permission to begin. And yes, this guide is permission to close some of those tabs. 😉