Let me tell you a story or two, of love for self, love for others, and everything in between.
Here are my chronicles.
An Important Part of Being a Mother Today
An important part of being a mother in this day and age is breaking the negative patterns our ancestors created due to their limiting stories that did not have access to other empowered mothers, female sexuality….. Annnnd for the most part women in general!
I Have a Confession
I have a confession.....
Letting life happen to me, burying that part of me that loves a challenge and competition to do and be better than I have in the past...... guess where it left me....
dead on the inside....
not radiant.....
just going through the motions of motherhood and marriage.....
Winter in Summer
If you wake up more often than not wondering what happened to the woman you used to be before the responsibility of raising kids consumed your life, don’t blame anyone. It happens more often than not!
You and I Are More Alike Than You Realize.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, which truth be told isn’t always good for me.... over thinking disconnects me from my body.
But what I’ve been thinking about is you.....
What Are You Making it Mean?
If we don’t evaluate our own thoughts. mindsets, and worth within ourselves, (so we can cut ourselves some slack that we are learning) then how can we expect to grow?
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Starts Here
I can’t tell you what to expect but I can tell you when the path is carved with SEX, LOVE, & RELATIONSHIP…. There is something here you might want to witness.