You and I Are More Alike Than You Realize.


      I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, which truth be told isn’t always good for me.... over thinking disconnects me from my body.

But what I’ve been thinking about is you..... I feel like you and I are probably more alike than you realize.

       You’re a mom, I’m a mom.... life is a shit-show on a regular basis.... we see and even hear the self-care thing, take time for ourselves talk going around.

  You know you need something different in your life, yet coaching one on one IS a big commitment.... I know because I go through spurts when I could really use some extra coaching..... yet the schedule is already full, and the funds aren’t there....

         I need my learning on my schedule, not the coaches. I need flexibility..... cause if you are like me you actually get shit done, all the time..... but there is nothing linear about it.

  Your life is structured, scheduled, and like me, your “me-time” happens in moments throughout the day.

    And even tho I offer 1:1 coaching.... I totally 100% get it when you say you want to, but you literally don’t have time!

So then I ask myself, what do mothers who want to work on connecting back to their bodies and sexuality REALLY need..... yes you need someone or something to get the changes you desire..... but FUCK, you are also committed to your life.

 Work to go to, chores inside and outside the house, activities to get kids to, a partner that you want to connect with, maybe parents or in-laws that require your attention, obligations everywhere....

                How do we squeeze fun in there? When do we squeeze fun and play into our lives?

      If you’re like me, your in person friends are just as busy as you and you only see them once a month or less anyway.... when you run into them in the grocery store..... so yah, your connection with them is more online than not,  and not because you don’t want to get together.... but because your kids are doing this thing over here and her kids are doing this other thing over there.... on different days.

 These days I’m over here in my world creating and gestating some ideas for you, and for me......

      Cause I learned something last year during my year long training with 165 other women from around the world, the last thing I expected to get.....

Community, that included casual conversation around sex, deep conversation around sex, love, relationships, body image, trauma..... they were all full of so much deep wisdom and experiences of their own that brought clarity to some of my own struggles.... so much supporting each other, it filled my heart.

I have never felt closer to so many women since the days I was playing basketball and was always surrounded by teammates.

I had no idea how much I missed that kind of connection..... until I stepped into the world I call SLRC..... I knew in a matter of days, I was definitely in the right place.
I believe other women need that too. (and men need their spaces too for man bonding!)

Every time I go to create an offer out to the mothers I serve I want to include the women of my tribe, and share their wisdom and experiences too..... because what I noticed is that one or two brave women opening up in a safe place... creates ripples of sharing....

                   And I want that for mothers everywhere,                                               a place to go and connect with women who are consciously making sexual self care a priority..... because our sexual selves are core to who we are, even if it’s buried ten feet under every other aspect of ourselves.... it is there at our core, waiting to be reignited.

Want to stay in the loop, and be the first to know what these cool things I’m creating are..... one that matches your budget and your time availability..... grab my Mindhacks PDF below , to get on my list so you can start getting to know me better..... see if you like me..... find out if you can trust me.... And when the time comes for me to birth my new creations, you won’t have to think about it, you’ll feel the desire within you to my offer.




Winter in Summer


What Are You Making it Mean?