MLMs: Your Pyramid Scheme Hysteria Is Showing (And So Is Your Privilege)

Oh, you think MLMs are a scam? Laughs in corporate hierarchy

Let's talk about pyramids, shall we?

Your "Real Job" Is Totally Not a Pyramid, Right?

Picture this:

  • CEO at the top โœจ

  • Executive team below ๐Ÿ’ซ

  • Middle management ๐ŸŒŸ

  • Regular employees at the bottom ๐Ÿ”ฎ

But no, Karen, tell me more about how MLMs are the only pyramid structure in business. ๐Ÿ™„

"But They're Exploiting People!"

Unlike your corporate job where:

  • Your salary helps pay the CEO's bonus

  • Your work builds someone else's wealth

  • Your time creates value for shareholders

  • Your benefits depend on your position in the... wait for it... PYRAMID

Here's What Everyone Gets Wrong About MLMs:

The real target market isn't your aunt buying overpriced leggings. It's people who want:

  • A business without creating products from scratch

  • A system they can plug into

  • A way to learn sales and business

  • Income potential beyond trading hours for dollars

GASP You mean it's actually a business opportunity for the SELLERS? Mind. Blown. ๐Ÿคฏ

The ACTUAL Problems With MLMs:

Let's address the real issues:

  • Predatory upline tactics

  • The "spam your friends" approach

  • Guilt-based marketing

  • False lifestyle promises

You know what these are? BAD BUSINESS PRACTICES. Not inherent MLM problems.

A Hot Take Nobody Asked For:

The MLM model isn't the scam. The scam is:

  1. Teaching people to exploit their relationships

  2. Promising overnight success

  3. Pretending business skills aren't required

  4. Acting like it's about the products when it's about the business opportunity

Before You Start Your "MLMs Are Evil" Rant:

Ask yourself:

  • Have you ever run a business?

  • Do you understand different business models?

  • Are you just repeating what you've heard?

  • Is your privilege showing?

Because here's the tea: โ˜•๏ธ

Some people WANT to:

  • Sell products they didn't create

  • Learn business through a structured system

  • Build something without inventing something

  • Start with a proven model

And that's... actually okay?

The Plot Twist:

MLMs aren't for people who just want products. They're for people who want:

  • A business

  • A system

  • A learning opportunity

  • A starting point

Mind-blowing, I know

So Here's Your Reality Check:

Stop calling MLMs a scam just because:

  • You don't understand business models

  • You've only seen bad examples

  • You prefer trading time for money

  • You're privileged enough to have other options

Instead, maybe:

  • Learn how businesses actually work

  • Recognize different paths to entrepreneurship

  • Acknowledge that not everyone can create from scratch

  • Check your "real job" privilege

The Bottom Line:

MLMs aren't perfect. But neither is your corporate job, Susan.

At least MLM folks are honest about trying to sell you something, unlike your LinkedIn connection request that's definitely "just networking." ๐Ÿ˜‰


P.S. If you're in an MLM: Please stop sliding into DMs. There are better ways to build a business than alienating your friends. But hey, keep ignoring this adviceโ€ฆ. I love watching people learn gravity exists by falling

P.P.S. Crafted this rebellion with my AI thinking partner because sometimes you need to process your way through dismantling the status quo, and human collaborators get nervous around revolution. Want to process your own path to freedom? The Permission to Process Guide shows you how.


Just Sell the Transformation!(And Other Mindset-Hijacking Marketing Maneuvers)