Inside this training, you’ll discover a FASTER and MORE EFFECTIVE approach to list building that attracts your first 100 qualified leads that actually want to buy your stuff!
And if you already know that even just 100 of the RIGHT LEADS will drastically change the direction of your business, then REGISTER NOW for the ‘YOUR FIRST 100 LEADS’ Mini-Course for FREE HERE
Not convinced it’s for you?? Read on….
Here’s why traditional List Building and “lead magnets” don’t work…… I know because that’s what I used in 2018 when I started….. it didn’t work…at all!
I was told to make this fancy, ulta valuable “freebie.” It might take you weeks… (For me… it took 3 months just to come up with an ideas for one i t”thought” might be valuable to the women I desired to help).
Then, when it’s finally done... now what? I was so busy creating this lead magnet, I forgot to build an audience….. can you relate??
So... what do ya do?
If you were like me….. You spend the next seven months creating as much free content as you possibly can HOPING that people will consume it and opt-in for your lead magnet- except they didn’t and they sure as hell won’t now if you continue to do it that way…’s 2020.
And 90% of people know that “freebies” are just FLUFF people use to build their list, right?! I didn’t I was naive and thought there was something wrong with me…… Now I know its not me… it’s the industry teaching outdated methods!
And that remaining 10% who actually DO trickle onto your email list... how many of them actually consume your freebie? Well on my micro-list…… I’m to embarrassed to tell you how low the number is!
And then here’s the real stinger: for the few that actually did go through it, did that even do anything to move them closer to the sale? NOPE!
Are they any closer to buying after you’ve created you’re freebie??
Or was this just... “free content?!” If so... then you start asking yourself….whats was the point?!
Have you been there too? Not a fun thing…. Kind of a mindfuck and makes one question the whole online entrepreneurship thing!
If you’ve read this far, I think I just saved you 6 months of working for free in your business.
Whether that’s been your experience already or you find yourself already going down that path, the good news is: there is a better way! And I can help….. well….. not me specifically…. I can help you align the chaos of life as a mother and woman building a business, who wants to also reignite some passion back into her relationship….. but I digress…. !
Let me introduce you to the man, who CAN teach you…. Cause I’m currently going through this with all my offers tweaking everything!!
My Mentor James Wedmore….. I’ve been learning from him since early 2018….. AND I wish he had THIS as specific as he did when I started with him.
He teaches a very simple process that you too can follow to SKIP the 6 months of wasting time and content so you can attract your FIRST 100 Leads (that actually wanna buy your stuff) FAST! ….
This is a $197 Mini-Course of 14 step-by-step videos, exercises, and action guides. And for a VERY limited time, it’s yours ABSOLUTELY FREE!...... And if you like short… to the point videos…. THIS IS IT!!
P.S. If you want a group of bad ass woman to work through this program with…. I have a small networking group on FB that I’ll be working through the modules of this mini-training with so we can support one another to bounce ideas off of….
And I should tell you this isn’t a typical networking group…. I started this group for my SLRC friends (That’s short for Sex, Love, & Relationship Coaches)… I started it because since we graduated that training in 2017, I’ve gone on to invest another 15k-20k in various online business training as well….
I only wanted to pass my knowledge on to the friends that wanted it, rather than randomly bombard our big group with noise…… So I started a separate group, BUT I’ve also invited friends from other niches I’ve met to join the group and share their work with my friends….. I LOVE LOVE LOVE connecting people to what they need most….. and now I want you to come there too… think of it like a DINNER PARTY rather than the just another FB networking group that gets over run by trolls spammin selling the hell out of any one…..
Trust me… I know how to use the delete button, when people don’t like to respect the guidelines!
So I can get to know you….. and if you do want some help in the sexuality area… well I’ve just introduced you to 32 more woman that work in this area, in case what I offer isn’t exactly what you need…….you can check them out at your leisure without going all over the internet to find people…..
As a bonus, on specific days once every couple weeks I’ll have a post where you can market your offers as well…. In case one of them needs you! Win Win… what are you waiting for… grab the First 100 leads…. And then head over to the FB group HERE